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Sometimes What Happens in Vegas, Deserves a Chance to Bloom in Paris: A Review of Sweet, Filthy Boy by Christina Lauren

May you be in the throes of a hot summer romance (novel)!

You’re not? Then may we suggest one for you?


I meant to do this review sooner, like back with the blog tour in May sooner, because I had read the book back then but certain members of my household had other ideas about how I should spend my time. Tea parties. Vacation. Water parks. Puppy training. Swimming. Gardening.

And then I couldn’t quite get my hands on my book. A member of my family decided to commandeer it and challenge me about trying to steal her boy away from her.


Oh Ansel, you sweet, filthy boy…You really are the cat’s meow! Purrrr! 

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Sweet, Filthy Boy by Christina Lauren


One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him.

But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play.

When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.

Spoiler Free Review:

Loved it!!!

I guess it had been awhile since I had read the summary as to what this book was about when I dived in and started reading it  because when I got to the point when Mia had left Las Vegas (where she met Ansel) and suddenly was faced with the choice of leaving for Paris for the summer, I honestly did not know if she would go or not.

Not a spoiler alert: She goes! Wait, that is not the right way to say it. Officially, she makes the choice to accept his offer and escapes to Paris.

My own summer has been pretty great so far, and yet even so, I want to escape to Paris with Ansel for the summer! I have no idea why Mia hesitated.


(We’re going with Ansel as Theo James. Is anyone opposed to this? No? Good!)

In the beginning of the story, we learn that Mia grew up dancing. It’s been her passion in life wanting to dance professionally someday, but she has gotten a bit derailed from dancing, and she’s at the point where everyone around her age is making choices about what to do — or at least what to do next — with their lives. She knows her parents are expecting her to make big choices about her life, too, which is something that is weighing heavy on her mind.

With her two best girlfriends, she heads to Las Vegas for a girls’ weekend. Three best girlfriends end up meeting 3 best guy friends, but they’re in Vegas, and despite what they say, there are a few things that can be done in Vegas that don’t have stay in Vegas, like getting married, which Mia does.

But let’s back up and talk about something this book does so well, something I like to call, the bait and pitch. 

The bait–It’s that first encounter between a potential couple. The girls are in a bar, and as Mia’s eyes scan the room, she meets the eyes of Ansel. Eye contact across the room turns into two strangers mouthing the word “hi” to each other.

and–Despite Mia describing her insides as melting at the site of Ansel as a first impression, the two don’t  find their way to one another. Mia and her friends have since left the bar, and as a reader, the anticipation is building for the pitch, the point in which these two will find each other again. Will they bump into each other? Will one seek the other out? Will they happen to ride the same elevator together? We don’t know yet. We do know it’s Vegas and anything can bring these two together and at this point, we are dying for them to meet!

pitch–After a night of dancing and having fun, the girls are back in their room, only Mia can’t seem to sleep. This is when the encounter happens! I’m not going to ruin it for you if you haven’t read it yet. I’m just going to reassure you that these two “officially meeting” happens quickly. Oh, and Ansel is shirtless.


(Oh G-d, the name of that tumblr acct! *I die*)

It’s a pretty fun & fabulous bait and pitch in this story!! I was hooked and ready for more Mia and Ansel!

After a one-night stand, they’re married in Vegas with Ansel offering Mia to come back to Paris with him to live there for the summer, which as I stated earlier, she goes!  She just got married on a drunk whim, and was supposed to just get an annulment. And yet going to Paris means delaying having to make any real-life decisions for a bit. (Decisions that she has to give a lot of thought to, while she isn’t drunk, that is.) Going means she can escape her fractured world. Going she can go be just Mia without the attachment of her past expectations of what her life would or should look like at this point.

Once in Paris, Mia can’t help but feel a bit out of place and  somewhat guilty, as her new “let’s give it a go” groom must go to work every day while she is left on her own to do as she chooses. Inspired by her ability to pretend while on stage dancing, she ends up choosing to do pretend in order to better get to know her new husband. Ironically, pretending is what eventually helps Mia figure out what she is capable of doing, both in a relationship and for a career.  There are a few bumps along the way, that Mia has to learn and grow from too. It’s a very satisfying end to a fun story! You’ll understand Mia’s yearning to run away and you’ll fall for Ansel. He’s self-assured, but doesn’t take everything so seriously. He’s risky but sweet and playful. He’s hot and sensual. Most of all, he’s willing to fall in love with a girl he laid eyes on across a crowded room, and that’s always sexy!

It’s still summer, and YOU deserve a quick escape to Paris for the summer in the form of this fun, light, and wonderful summer read! Get in on it now because it is the first in a new series called Wild Seasons by Christina Lauren! Their next book, Dirty Rowdy Thing is due out November 4th and will tell the story of Mia’s friend, Harlow, and her hook-up with Ansel’s friend, Finn, from the same Vegas trip. I can’t wait to see how that all played out and have the chance to revisit with Mia and Ansel.

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Here’s the girls! Thanks for another great book Christina and Lo! The writing style of these two girls is well-defined by this 4th book, and there’s no telling where the collaborative efforts start and stop. Possibly they’re sharing a brain now (in addition to shoes!). We are looking forward to the continuation of Wild Seasons not to mention an upcoming opportunity to meet Max Stella’s little brother. 😉 For more great information on all of their books, check out

Sign up for their site so you can read an exclusive Outtake of Will and Hanna from Beautiful Player. You can read our previous review of Beautiful Player and interview with Christina Lauren, here.

Thanks as always to Nina Bocci & Kristen Dwyer for reaching out to us!

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